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Additional Practice Areas

In addition to our personal injury practice, our knowledgeable Blair County attorneys also handle a number of other matters.

Insurance Disputes

From companies that refuse to pay the full amount you are owed after an accident, to help workers’ receive compensation after an on-the-job injury, the attorneys at Goldstein Heslop Steele Clapper Oswalt & Smith can help you face the seemingly insurmountable odds of fighting with your insurance company. We take on the burden so you do not have to.

Real Estate

This branch of the law covers the property that you own, live on, or rent, according to both federal and state laws. Real estate law covers sales, transfers, landlord/tenant matters, contract law, zoning issues and land use, foreclosures, disputes, land development, and a variety of other matters related to property. Our firm is a title agent for Fidelity National/Commonwealth Title Insurance Company and is a member of both the American Land Title Association and the Pennsylvania Land Title Association.

Property Litigation

When a real estate matter cannot be settled out of court, you may need to seek a judge’s assistance for the matter. Whether it is a commercial property or a private home, boundary disputes, title disputes, or defending claims and complex disputes, require the assistance of a skilled attorney in order to help ensure that your rights as an owner or a renter are not infringed.

Estate planning

Having a plan in place can help you and your family provide for the future. A solid, legally binding will, trust, and powers of attorney drafted by an attorney can help protect you and the assets that you have worked so hard to gain during your lifetime

Need legal guidance? Utilize our extensive experience.


If your loved one has passed away without an estate plan, probate procedures may be necessary to distribute the estate to the surviving heirs. This process can be long, expensive, and complicated so it is important that a lawyer handles all paperwork and can help you with court dates, to avoid additional stress at this already stressful time.

Estate Litigation

When you face disagreements, disputes, or invalid estate documents during the probate process, you may have to go through litigation to ensure that your loved one or family member’s final wishes are carried out. When beneficiaries contest a matter and it cannot be settled out of court, seek the help of one of our legal professionals.

Civil Litigation

When you need to go to court because of a lawsuit to resolve a problem or seek monetary compensation, or because someone is suing you, you need a litigation attorney on your side. Civil suits involve include non-criminal matters, such as personal injury, defamation, fraud, discrimination, harassment, and much more.

Social Security Disability

If you have received a severe injury that is preventing you from keeping working, you may be entitled to receive permanent disability payments from Social Security. Filing for this benefit can be complicated and involves paperwork to be filled out and filed in a timely manner. Professional help can make the process much easier and our lawyer can even petition Social Security if you have been previously denied.

Business and Corporate Law

Setting up and running a business leaves little time to deal with legal matters. Taxes, finances, liability issues, contracts, mergers, and litigation are all issues that require assistance from a skilled legal lawyer.

Municipal Law

Specific to cities and counties, these laws cover issues such as education, police, infrastructure, zoning, and many other matters that are necessary to keep a city running. An Altoona lawyer can help when you are facing disputes or issues when the law has been broken.

When you need legal advice or guidance, contact the law firm of Goldstein Heslop Steele Clapper Oswalt & Smithonline for a consultation.